Case Studies
Explore case studies of businesses demonstrating sustainability and profitability go hand-in-hand.
City of Kitchener
The City of Kitchener realized GHG reductions and cost savings by installing a coil on a supply air duct.
Walker Emulsions
Walker Emulsions realized natural gas reductions as well as water and cost savings by installing a water softener.
Hillfield Strathallan College
Hillfield Strathallan College has worked to embed a culture of sustainability throughout the school by integrating it into academic programming and strategic plans.
Royal Botanical Gardens
As an organization with a mandate to connect people, plants, and place to serve our planet, RBG has long held environmental stewardship at the core of its strategic priorities.
Split Rail Brewing Co.
The founders of Split Rail knew that they wanted to create a business with strong social responsibility and environmental values that contributed to the local economy.
Recognizing that growing food has an impact on the environment, Heeman’s has always searched for better solutions to minimize their environmental impact.
Alectra Utilities (York Region)
Alectra Utilities realized GHG reductions and cost savings by conducting an idling reduction initiative for fleet and personal vehicles.
Compugen Finance
Compugen Finance developed CarbonBank, the world’s first program that creates verified carbon credits from the sale of refurbished technology.