Waveform Plastic Technologies Inc.
Hub: Green Economy North
Waveform Plastic Technologies Inc. was originally established in 1999 and is a family-owned manufacturer of custom-designed plastic-based thermoforming products. Waveform produces a wide range of durable products and components for use across Industry, including the Automotive, Marine, Bath, Industrial and Hydroponic sectors, among others. Waveform has always understood that petroleum-based plastics are not sustainable and acknowledges our collective responsibility to process them in the most efficient, and circular manner possible – while also, continuing to explore new and alternate bio-based options. Waveform has experienced significant growth over the past ten years and continues to invest in new and upgraded facilities and equipment. The organization provides comprehensive training to its employees on the latest software – helping ensure increased efficiencies, while making the company more competitive, and strengthening its position within the marketplace. The company is actively exploring ways to reduce, or potentially eliminate, its Green House Gas emissions across all areas of its operations and has stated its goal to become Net Zero in the next few years. 2023 will also mark a new major milestone, as Waveform commences work to build a new Factory in the community of Burk’s Falls.
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