Announcing Green Economy Canada’s new Executive Director

Message from Green Economy Canada’s Board

On behalf of the Board, I am excited to announce that Priyanka Lloyd will be the new Executive Director of Green Economy Canada. Priyanka knows Green Economy Canada well, having served as Managing Director for the last 5 years. Over that time, she has impressed the Board time and time again with her dedication, insight, and energy in working to realize our vision of an economy where environmental sustainability, human well-being, and business success are synonymous. We are certain that she has the skills and vision to lead Green Economy Canada to even greater heights.

Priyanka will be leading Green Economy Canada at time that is ripe with opportunity, but also challenges. The momentum across our network is impressive as more and more businesses recognize that there is no trade off between working on their bottom line and working towards a sustainable economy. Green Economy Hubs are growing at a time when provincial and national conversations about the direction of climate policy are fraught, and they are showing what can be done when you act on the recognition that sustainability is good business.

In the coming months, our network will be expanding and we will also be posting/filling two new Director-level positions, now that the Executive Director position has been filled. Priyanka will start in the role on December 3 and Mike Morrice will continue leading Green Economy Canada until that date. The Board feels confident with the lead time we have to ensure a smooth leadership shift.

In this time of transition, we want to thank Mike for his tremendous contributions to Green Economy Canada. His efforts and passion have given us the foundation to grow and continue striving, with the Green Economy Hubs, to accelerate our transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy. As the leadership baton passes from Mike to Priyanka, we are excited about the future of Green Economy Canada and what we can accomplish working together for a greener economy.

Matt Hoffmann
Board Chair
Green Economy Canada

Message from Priyanka

I am thrilled to be returning to Green Economy Canada in my new capacity as Executive Director. I am genuinely excited about what the future holds for our organization and Green Economy Hubs, and the collective impact we’re striving to make.

As Mike’s co-pilot for the last 5 years, I wanted to take a minute to thank him for all he’s contributed to our work. It’s hard to lose someone with such an infectious passion for our cause, and Mike has worked tirelessly to find and seize opportunities to support the launch and growth of Hubs. I look forward to carrying the baton as we continue our journey towards a more sustainable economy.

When we launched Green Economy Canada (known then as Sustainability CoLab) in 2013, we were excited to imagine what would happen if we fostered a network of Green Economy Hubs all across Ontario, and eventually, across Canada, each helping businesses thrive by reducing their environmental impacts. Fast forward to 2018, and that black and white vision has come to life in technicolour. There are now over 260 businesses taking action in seven Green Economy Hubs across the province, with more Hubs on the horizon in the coming months. I’m looking forward to building on this momentum with you all, and to think about how to accelerate the pace and progress of shifting ‘business as usual’.

On a personal note, I’ve had some time to step back and reflect on the importance of our work while I’ve been on maternity leave for the past eight months with our new baby girl and 3½ year old son. It’s hard not to think about the future when you get to spend so much time with young kids who naturally see the world as safe, abundant, and full of opportunity. That reflection has reaffirmed for me how valuable our work is – that in a world that seems to be getting more polarized on a variety of issues, we stand as a positive example of how win-win solutions are possible. I feel grateful to be on the frontlines with you all, and to know that we are each part of a broader movement of NGOs, funders, politicians, municipalities, and businesses all striving for a future that is prosperous in every sense of the word.

I look forward to reconnecting and working more closely with you all beginning in December. In the meantime, I hope to see you at Connects 2018 on September 26 (if you haven’t already, register today!).



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