We are proud to welcome FLO as a Founding Member of Green Economy Canada’s new National Hub! They join a growing movement of businesses leading Canada’s transition to a vibrant and inclusive net-zero future.
In this Founding Member Spotlight, Louis Tremblay, President and CEO of FLO shares more about their organization and why they decided to join the National Hub.
Welcome to the National Hub, FLO! Tell us a bit about your organization.
Founded in 2009, FLO is a leading North American electric vehicle (EV) charging network operator and a smart charging solutions provider. We fight climate change by accelerating EV adoption through a vertically integrated business model and by delivering EV drivers the most dependable charging experience from curbside to countryside. Every month, we enable more than 1 million charging events thanks to over 75,000 fast and level 2 EV charging stations deployed at public, private and residential locations. FLO operates its network across North America and we have more than 500 employees.
Tell us a little about your sustainability journey so far.
Sustainability is at the heart of our mission at FLO, which is to fight climate change. We understand the critical importance of widespread, accessible EV charging infrastructure in the movement to electrify the transportation sector and move towards a low-carbon economy. Over the last year, we put in place an environmental, social and governance (ESG) steering committee with representatives from each major function of the company, and a Green committee led by employees. We also started our Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) journey with an analysis and training to all employees to be completed shortly. We are finalizing the development of our ESG policy that formalizes our beliefs, priorities and commitments to share with our investors and other stakeholders, and we are currently working on our first ESG report to communicate our activities and progress transparently to stakeholders.
Why does sustainability matter to you?
As one of the largest North American EV charging networks, we recognize the importance of advancing our ESG journey. To do so, we aim to manage ESG effectively within our company by embedding environmental stewardship, accessibility and sound governance practices in our business activities and charging networks. We understand that engaging in responsible business management practices is necessary to ensure FLO’s long-term sustainability and growth. We firmly believe that upholding robust ESG practices will create long-term value for our customers, employees and the communities in which we operate.
Why did you join Green Economy Canada?
We are very excited to join Green Economy Canada to have access to all the knowledge and experience of your experts, but also the experiences of other companies that have gone through the same journey as we are. The power of a peer community and having access to tried and tested resources is invaluable. It is also a way to help us accelerate our ESG journey.
What is your advice for organizations starting their sustainability journey?
Don’t forget that sustainability is a journey. Nothing has to be done on the first day. Start by setting small goals, then measure and improve. Try to integrate your ESG goals into your business goals, so they are not stand-alone projects that are easy to postpone when you put out fires with one hand while completing everyday tasks with the other.
Thank you, Louis, for sharing your sustainability story with us so far and we’re excited to start working with you.
The National Hub is made possible thanks to our Founding Partners Co-operators and HSBC Canada.
Don’t delay, start your sustainability journey today!
Are you a Canadian organization looking to reduce your carbon footprint and amplify your impact as part of a community? Contact us to learn more about how we can make business better, together.