Read the latest on how we are building the green economy.
January 16, 2023
Founding Member Spotlight: FLO
We are proud to welcome FLO as a Founding Member of Green Economy Canada’s new National Hub!
January 16, 2023
Founding Member Spotlight: Harvest Recycling
We are proud to welcome Harvest Recycling as a Founding Member of Green Economy Canada’s new National Hub!
January 16, 2023
Welcome to our National Hub’s Founding Members!
Green Economy Canada has launched a National Hub, thanks to Founding Partners Co-operators and HSBC.
February 25, 2022
Green Economy Canada Launches $3.9M Incentive Program for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Green Economy Canada is excited to announce a new $3.9M incentive program for EV charging stations. The EV Charger Incentive Program is funded by Natural Resources Canada and will reimburse up to 50% of the cost of installing EV charging stations.
February 24, 2022
New Hub launches in New Brunswick to help businesses get the support they need to take climate action.
This provincial Hub provides a variety of tools and resources, peer learning events, 1:1 support, and public recognition to help businesses succeed in making their operations sustainable while saving money, engaging their employees, and building their brand as Green Economy Leaders provincially and nationally.